Monday, January 13, 2014

Weight Loss & Recommitting

I started my weight loss journey a few years ago.  I was unhappy with myself and the way none of my clothes fit.  One of my friends told me that she was joining Weight Watchers and asked if I wanted to go with her.  I figured I had nothing to lose (besides the weight that is.)  Stepping on the scale at the meeting center, I weighed in at 174 lbs.  Being only 5'3, that put me quite overweight.  At the time I didn't know much about eating right.  I mean, growing up we had well-balanced meals (protein, carb, veggies) so I did have an idea about eating somewhat healthy but my biggest problem was that my portions were out of control.  I was in college, eating in dining halls, and at odd hours between classes and working part-time.

After about a year or so, I lost 44 lbs reaching my goal weight of 130 lbs.  I made Lifetime with weight watchers and maintained it for a while.  I stopped going to meetings and regained a few pounds but was fine around 140 which was still in the healthy weight range for my height.

After that, I met my fiance and put on what some people call "happy weight."  Weight loss was put on the back burner and little by little the scale crept up.  Three years later I had put back on all the weight that I had lost.  I am very unhappy with this but I know I lost the weight before and I can do it again.

I have been back at Weight Watchers for about a year and a half now.  I haven't been that focused with it though so I have been gaining and losing the same few pounds.  It is time to really focus on this so I am recommitting myself here to staying on track and losing this weight once and for all.

I was unable to attend my meeting Friday morning due to car trouble but I made it to the Saturday meeting.  I was down 3 lbs bringing my current weight to 170 lbs.  I also made it to spin Saturday and Sunday so here's to starting the week off on the right foot!

Sunday, January 5, 2014


I am Jaime, a 31 year old from Boston, and this is my blog.  The past year or so I decided I wanted to live a more healthy and active life.  I have had some ups and downs but need to be more accountable.  I want to start this blog to document my journey, write about health and fitness, and share my struggles and successes with others.

I am ready to make the necessary changes to improve my health and fitness but at the same time I strongly believe that this needs to be a lifestyle change.  Anything I incorporate, during this journey, I need to do for the rest of my life in order to maintain my healthy lifestyle.  I will be embracing change while keeping the cheese (and the other things I love.)